My passion is Sunday School. Almost weekly, I will get a call from a pastor who says something like, my Sunday School is not growing…can you help?

eyeOver the years, I have responded to this question in many ways. Early on, it was to look at the numbers and challenge them to set goals for classes, enrollment, attendance, teachers, teacher being trained, and analyzing space. Lately, I have come to realize that nothing changes unless the pastor…the director…the staff…the teachers…and the members ultimately SEE Sunday School Differently.

START was originally planned to help churches lead their classes to catch a vision for planting 1-5-1 Harvest Branch plants. But in my opinion, it has become much more. It is a tool, a strategy, an emphasis to help you as a Pastor or Minister of Education lead your church to SEE Sunday School Differently.

This is why it is the first session of the training module. Few 1-5-1 Harvest Branch Plants are started unless your church sees Sunday School differently. Seldom do our Sunday School classes move outside the walls of the church to conduct mission projects unless they see their class differently. Most Sunday School classes have very little lost people in them. Why? because of how they see their Sunday School. Significant growth will not happen unless you lead your church to SEE Sunday School Differently.

The old adage says that as the Sunday School goes, so goes the church. How you see Sunday School will decide how the church goes?

Call me…email me….I would love to dialogue with you about Sunday School and how START can re-energize your Sunday School.


About drmarkmiller

I serve as the Sunday School, Discipleship, Small Groups Specialist for the Tennessee Baptist Convention
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